LOXAM accelerates its energy transition in favour of eco-friendly rental and launches its LOXGREEN range
Fully committed to climate issues and the transition to a greener, low carbon future, the LOXAM Group has embarked upon an ambitious investment drive to renew its fleet with a new generation of equipment offering greater protection to the environment and user health.
A long-term eco-friendly policy
This proactive and spirited initiative underscores an acceleration in the environmental transition of the equipment rental leader, spearheaded by the Group in both its core business and its ancillary activities (such as delivery and equipment servicing and maintenance).
This long-term policy also fulfils the commitments of public authorities and construction market players seeking to create new standards and new regulations on building sites, christened ‘eco-chantiers’in France. These eco-sites include within their design and implementation all the various forms of environmental impact: waste, noise, impact on nature, greenhouse gases, etc.
LOXAM thus conforms to the demands of its professional clients as they evolve towards “eco-friendly” equipment while prioritising user health and safety. These new demands relate to projects in urban or confined settings for their carbon footprint and noise emissions, and to projects in metropolitan areas where local policies provide for limited access to diesel or petrol vehicles in towns and cities.
It is also an opportunity for LOXAM to continue nurturing its relations with local authorities by supportingthem in their commitment to sustainable development and responsible procurement.
Consequently, through its continuous and productive exchanges with equipment manufacturers, LOXAM stimulated and contributed to thinking on how to continue the development and extend the deployment of diesel and petrol free powertrains in its equipment fleet.
“We always aim to perform our job responsibly, by focussing on equipment which is less harmful to the environment, more energy efficient and more effective, and which emits less pollution and less noise. With the gradual integration of these machines throughout our network, we are moving up to a new level in our Group’s commitment to corporate social responsibility,” explains Thierry Lahuppe, Equipment Director at LOXAM Group.
A proactive policy
To give formal substance to these ambitions, LOXAM has adopted a proactive “environmental” purchasing policy by testing and procuring a sizeable quantity of “eco-friendly” machines and vehicles. Whether launched recently or due to be launched in the near future, these items of equipment incorporate new health, safety and environmental standards compared to “conventional” models.
To this effect, the LOXAM TP subsidiary has been a forerunner in the Group and today owns France’s largest hire fleet of hybrid-powered excavators (with approximately 15 machines of 20 to 30 tonnes).
“This offering exemplifies our transition to equipment which helps to reduce energy consumption and pollution in general, as we continue to expand and renew our fleet. It has received a warm welcome from our clients owing to its responsible and pioneering approach. It has also allowed our clients to discover a new user experience,” says Nicolas Ribière, Director of LOXAM TP.
And barely a year after the purchase of its first electric 19C-1 ETEC (JCB) compact excavator, no fewer than 200 “Low Emission” labelled machines: MEWPs and scissor lifts, compact excavators, articulated loaders, compressors, lighting masts, vehicles, soon to be followed by telehandlers, dumpers, compactors and gensets, will feature in LOXAM’s LOXGREEN range by the end of 2021.
A dedicated LOXGREEN logo, an extensive training plan and the conversion of LOXAM branches

To offer visibility to its low emission equipment offering proposed in the LOXGREEN range, LOXAM has created a dedicated logo to identify this equipment that operates on electric, hybrid, dual-fuel or gas powertrains, and all machines complying with the most recent pollution standards. The identification process for these machines offered for hire will allow LOXAM clients to appreciate the efficiency of these machines while protecting the environment and abiding by the criteria specified by eco-sites.
In parallel, LOXAM is rolling out an ambitious training programme aimed at all its commercial and technical teams to teach them about the characteristics of these new machines which contribute to better environmental protection, deliver better energy efficiency and are quieter, more economical and more effective.
LOXAM has also commenced the “environmental” transformation of its branches to reduce their environmental footprint. Among the initiatives conducted, LOXAM recently signed a contract with electricity supplier EDF for the supply of biomethane for all its branches connected to the natural gas grid.
Through this, LOXAM should thus achieve avoided emissions equating to 4.5% of its direct carbon footprint.
“As an equipment rental company and a leader on the international stage, LOXAM is making a long-term commitment to the fight against climate change and to controlling its carbon footprint by incorporating sustainability criteria into its activities. For the LOXAM Group, it is also a matter of supporting its clients and stakeholders in their own commitments in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR),” adds Thierry Lahuppe.
N° 1 in Europe and n° 4 worldwide, LOXAM is the market leader for the rental of equipment and tools for building and public works, industry, landscaping and services. With revenue of €2.3 billion in 2019, 1,100 branches and 11,000 employees, the LOXAM Group is established in 30 countries in Europe and has the largest machine fleet on the market, with more than 650,000 items of equipment to anticipate, support and fulfil growing demand from companies that wish to outsource the procurement, management and maintenance of their equipment.
Media enquiries:
Agence BecomingwithsuPR
Chrystel Libert – +33 6 52 49 31 30 – chrystel.libert@becoming-group.com