Loxam certification ISO20121
ISO 20121 certification

Events for sustainable development

In 2022, we obtained ISO20121 certification for our event management activities. This certification acknowledges the sustainable management of these activities and an appropriate management system with a view to progressing towards the deployment of sustainable events.

Certification ISO 27001 Loxam
ISO 27001 certification

Information security

Our entities in the United Kingdom, Middle East and United Kingdom are ISO27001 certified. This norm certifies that so-called sensitive data, such as sensitive data is treated surely.

Loxam S&P Global Ratings

Risk management

Evaluating the way that companies address non-financial risks and the impact of their ESG commitments on their business, this assessment is a proof of the robustness of our CSR strategy.

Grade : 44/100

Loxam ranks in the top 7% companies in the Trade & Retail sector.

ISO 9001 certification

Quality management, customer satisfaction

Loxam has been ISO 9001 certified for more than 20 years. This standard assesses the implementation of quality management aimed at ensuring increasingly higher customer satisfaction by delivering top-quality products and services.

ISO 45001 standard

Occupational health and safety, risk assessment

This certification is perfectly aligned with the priority that the Group gives to safety and illustrates its desire to involve all its stakeholders in these matters: customers, partners and employees, whatever the business, country or culture.

ISO 14001 certification

Risk management, environmental management

In 2010, Loxam was the first rental company in the world to express its commitment to reducing the impact of its activity on the environment. This standard certifies the quality of the environmental management undertaken and the steering of the continuous performance improvement.


Process reliability, safety, controls

This certification is the only one to be a legal requirement when working on high-risk sites, and is part of the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance management and continuous improvement system. The Loxam Power network and some around Loxam Access branches located near to these sensitive sites are certified.

ISO 26000 standard

Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This evaluation is based on the analysis of more than 400 criteria among clients, service providers, partners and staff. Loxam has attained level 3 of the ISO 26000 standard, the first equipment rental company in the world to reach this level.

Ecovadis Gold Standard

Supplier relations and management of non-financial risks

This label is a recognition of Loxam’s continuous efforts and the commitment of its teams in all areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), whether in the environment, human resources, business ethics, deontology or responsible purchasing.


Vigeo Eiris assesses the maturity of a company’s strategy, governance, organization and CSR performance on social, environmental and ethical issues, and gives a score out of 100 to the companies evaluated.

Score : 47/100

Attesting to a limited maturity in terms of CSR policy. Note that very few companies have a high level of maturity (>50/100).

Sustainalytics ESG

This evaluation attests to a company’s level of residual risk on social, environmental and ethical issues. Sustainalytics defines risk levels according to business sectors and evaluates the way a company manages these risks.

Score : 13,8/50

Loxam is among the best performers of all the companies evaluated, and has the best performance in the sector.


For the first year, Loxam responded to the CDP’s comprehensive questionnaire on climate change. Governance, risk analysis method, carbon footprint, emission reduction commitments and the monitoring system for the company’s entire climate policy were evaluated by a committee of experts on these subjects.

Score : B