COVID-19 – FRANCE : LOXAM branches mobilised to serve priority sectors and construction professionals
In response to the public health and economic crisis triggered by the coronavirus outbreak, the Loxam Group and its in-branch professionals have mobilised– whilst continuing to protect the health and safety of everyone concerned – to support priority sectors such as healthcare and power, and building and public works contractors.
Strong support to priority sectors
Loxam is providing material support to the priority sectors currently working tirelessly all over the country. By way of example in the medical sector, the Loxam teams in Vichy installed about ten temporary shelters in under 24 hours for the deployment of a medical outpost at the town’s hospital. In Mulhouse, Loxam Power is providing the emergency back-up power potentially required by the military field hospital in the event of a power cut, with the installation of a 1,200 kVA power generator. To respond to the urgency of the situation, the experts at Loxam Power (electrical mechanics, mechanics, foremen and technical directors) were mobilised in record time.
More broadly, Loxam’s teams are working hard alongside healthcare professionals, but also those working in the sectors of power, public transport, telecommunications and food distribution, in France and around Europe. The Group is proud of the work accomplished by all the Loxam teams.
And assistance to building contractors
The Loxam Group and its teams have also mobilised to help building contractors, in the wake of the recent agreements between the French Government and the industry’s federations. To do so, Loxam has adopted an organisation to cater as closely as possible to the needs of these professionals whilst protecting everyone’s health and safety, and is deploying a business continuity plan in accordance with its ISO 45001-certified occupational health and safety principles.
All branches continue to operate, and can be reached by phone (on their usual numbers) or e-mail. The LoxCall service is also available on 0800 20 40 80 around the clock, seven days a week. In addition, LOXAM is continuing its logistical operations all over the country to service its clients’ needs, whilst observing procedures to guarantee maximal safety and personal health protection.
These exceptional measures include: strict distancing of at least 2 metres between people, the installation of “quarantine” zones with the introduction of outgoing and incoming buffer zones for equipment pick-up and return, including on work sites, the cleaning and disinfection of machines between each rental period, and favouring electronic dialogue over physical contact.
“As a major player in equipment hire, it is our responsibility, and indeed we are very keen to help out our country in this crisis by offering our teams’ support to priority economic sectors and to construction professionals on ongoing work sites. And we are already prepared to support them when business turns up again,” says Gérard Déprez, Chairman of the Loxam Group.
N° 1 in Europe and n° 3 worldwide, LOXAM is the market leader for the rental of equipment and tools for building and public works, industry, landscaping and services. With revenue of €2.3 billion in 2019, 1,100 branches and 11,000 employees, the LOXAM Group is established in 30 countries in Europe and has the largest machine fleet on the market, with more than 650,000 items of equipment to anticipate, support and fulfil growing demand from companies that wish to outsource the procurement, management and maintenance of their equipment.
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suPR! – Chrystel Libert – +33 6 52 49 31 30 –